RX6600 Gaming PC

£599.99 GBP
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Great Mid Range Gaming PC - Great for 1080p gaming at high refresh rates!

Case - Cit Level 2 Mesh - Black
CPU - i3 12100F
Mobo - MSI Pro H610M-E
RAM - Adata 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz 
Storage - 960GB Adata SU630 SSD
PSU - Msi 550W Bronze 
Cooler - Vida Air Cooler
GPU - Asrock Radeon RX6600 

Windows 11 Pro installed and activated.

All PC's arrive ready to plug and play with all drivers updated.

Free Delivery + 1 Year Warranty Included

Note: This pc is built to order and we will aim to supply the parts listed. If items are out of stock we will use parts of the same performance but will vary in brand.

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